‘Big Brother Canada’ review: We’re all waiting for the returning player twist, right?

Big Brother CanadaWhen you get so late in the “Big Brother Canada” game, it’s hard at times to fill up the episodes with the same sort of entertainment gold you’ve had throughout the season … especially when some of the more entertaining people are out of the house (Talla and Andrew excluded). While we like Peter quite a bit and have rooted for him pretty much from day 1, we have no idea what the guy is doing most of the time.

We already knew that he was going to be on the block following the Power of Veto Competition thanks to the live feeds, but this still does not equal the possible blunder that he made in not trying to plan the nominations out better so that Andrew winning the Veto could have led to Emmett going up as a replacement nominee.

Save for some tears during the whole “freezer” ordeal, there was not too much that we felt was really all that entertaining tonight, and we’re just waiting for what should be an epic episode tomorrow night. Do we expect Peter to go home? Without a doubt, and we’ll shed a little tear for him. However, we are going to be seeing not long after that someone returning to the game, and the reactions of the other houseguests when they find out the news (expect cursing from Andrew). So who will it be? Rule out Topaz, and we’re actually starting to think that Alec’s challenge-throwing his final week may actually hurt him. The only person we think may seriously challenge Glitter Gary at this point is (gasp!) AJ, who was entertaining, and also has the sympathy angle since he never really had a chance to fight for himself in the game.

What do you think about this “Big Brother Canada” episode? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below, and you can also read some of the latest updates from the show live feed by heading on over to the link here.

Photo: Slice

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