‘How I Met Your Mother’ season 8 finale spoilers: First photo of Barney and Robin

How I Met Your MotherAre Barney and Robin going to be married in the season finale for “How I Met Your Mother”? The more we hear about the episode, the more likely the rumors are that the half-hour (entitled “Something New”) is going to stop before the big ceremony actually happens.

The photo attached here doesn’t really tip the cap one way or the other when it comes to the “will the wedding happen?” question, but it really should be noted that neither Barney nor Robin are dressed like they are about to down the aisle. Instead, it looks like they are hitting the town in Barney’s car as they prepare to go out to dinner … which makes sense, especially when you consider that Casey Wilson has already been cast as some sort of unruly dinner patron who gets into some sort of fight with these two over if she is in a better relationship than they are.

Regardless of whether or not the wedding happens this year, it is still pretty easy to declare this season of “How I Met Your Mother” as one of great and extreme change. After all, we’ve already seen some evolution when it comes to Ted Mosby’s personal life, as he claims to be done with dating vs. trying to actually settle down. Meanwhile, the Barney / Robin growth is obvious, and Lily has finally found herself a job in art dealing that actually makes her feel fulfilled, and like she is doing something significant within her interests.

What do you think about this photo, and are you hoping for any one thing from this finale? If you want to watch a sneak peek clip for Monday night’s episode, you can do so over at the link here.

Photo: CBS

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