‘Pretty Little Liars’ season 4 spoilers: Meet the new man on the force

Pretty Little LiarsLet’s face it: the Rosewood Police Department on “Pretty Little Liars” may not be the best place to submit a job application these days. Officer Garrett is now dead, and Wilden has not exactly been the best model of good behavior out there.

So with this in mind, we’re sure that there is not exactly a beeline for new recruits to sign up to earn a badge, and thus, it only makes sense that there would be some new blood coming in from a higher level this season. Sean Faris (“The Vampire Diaries”) is coming on board as a member of the Pennsylvania State Police, and he is going to try and do his best to solve some of the central mysteries to the town that the local cops have struggled with. Of course, this is not exactly good news for our Liars, who like to operate in the shadows and at times outside the lines of the law.

In speaking to TV Guide (who also first published the photo above) about the role, here is what Faris had to say:

“This season on Pretty Little Liars, I’m playing Pennsylvania State Police Detective Gabriel Holbrook … [he and fellow detective Linda Tanner are there] to investigate some of the mysteries that seem to elude the local police.”

So it possible that this character could do more than investigate a few cases? We know that Aria’s personal life is on pretty shaky ground right now, and she does have a thing for older men; at the same time, though, we still believe that she will in time manage to sort things out with Ezra, even in spite of everything they have been through as of late. (Meanwhile, the other Liars are all firmly taken in seemingly-happy relationships.)

What do you think about the “Pretty Little Liars” world getting a new cop, and what do you think could happen with this guy? If you want to read some more news detailing what to expect from season 4, you can do so over at the link here.

Photo: ABC Family

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