‘Big Brother Canada’ live feed spoilers: Trouble for the Shield?

Big Brother CanadaIt’s really not often that we have been able to say this in the “Big Brother Canada” game, but for the first time really ever, both Alec and Peter may be somewhat worried. They’re not longer in control of this game, but the real question now is whether or not they actually know it.

As you may have saw on Wednesday night’s show, there is a firm new alliance with Emmett, Andrew, and Jillian, and Talla is on the fringe of that. The issue with Alec is really that he’s isolated himself in many ways thanks to his showmance. Topaz is close to Gary, and he’s leaving the game; meanwhile, she’s also been mean to Talla, so Talla clearly would not want to work with a crew that includes her, Alec, and Peter. She is the swing vote, but we’re sure that she would rather go with the side that is a little bit more fun.

So for this coming Head of Household Competition, we really do think that we are looking now at a situation of who wants it the most. This is around the time that we would see another endurance competition, since it’s been a good while since the last one. This probably means that Jillian, Emmett, and Talla all have a pretty good chance, and there will be no one participating who really is a physical liability. Although the idea right now is to get out Topaz for this east-coast alliance, we have a feeling this could change based on what happens moving forward. The group is being strategic about it, though, as Andrew volunteered to Emmett and Jillian to be a Have-Not next week so that he can split up Alec and Topaz and keep them from spending a ton of time together.

Do you think that the Shield is really in trouble? If you want to read our full review of Wednesday’s “Big Brother Canada,” you can do so over at the link here.

Photo: Slice

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