‘The Good Wife’ season 4 spoilers: Dylan Baker on working with ‘Homeland’ star

The Good WifeAre you ready for more Colin Sweeney on “The Good Wife”? Dylan Baker is going to be returning to the CBS mega-hit on Sunday night for the new episode entitled “The Wheels of Justice,” and we know already that he is not going to be alone. “Homeland” star Morena Baccarin is also set to return as her character of Isobel, and there are going to be a number of key issues explored in the hour, from trust to whether or not history will repeat itself.

So what does Sweeney have to say about his return as the infamous killer during the episode, who is going to have quite a bit of work this weekend featuring Josh Charles’ Will? Speaking to Entertainment Weekly in a new interview, Baker specifically talks about the bizarre sort of match that Colin may have found in Baccarin’s character:

“We have such an interesting ongoing relationship. Obviously Sweeney’s the kind of guy who appreciates a real materialistic, ambitious young woman. And [Morena’s] character has no problem saying anything in the courtroom, as well as Sweeney. So they’re actually sort of a match made in heaven.”

When considering the history of Sweeney, though, and hearing all of this, there is one question that almost must be asked immediately: is there any way that this episode can end in a way other than “very badly”? We simply cannot imagine how things unfold here without somebody getting hurt. It should make for a pretty engaging hour of television, but also an emotional one for all of the characters involved.

Are you excited to see the Sweeney character returning to “The Good Wife”? If you want to check out some more scoop from this episode, you can do so over at the link here.

Photo: CBS

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