‘Big Brother Canada’ rankings: Is Andrew helped most by double-eviction?

AndrewAs we near another end to a “Big Brother Canada” week and the live feeds are down, we turn to the latest edition of our weekly tradition: show rankings! This has no doubt been a positively insane week, in between the Head of Household cheating scandal, Tom exposing Alec in the shower, and all sorts of paranoia caused by the potential decimation of the Quatro alliance moving forward (or at least part of it).

But who has emerged from this unscathed? Surprisingly, it may be the guy with the bruises all over his legs, who got out the only person targeting him in the house without even having to lift a finger in the process.

12. Tom (last week: 10)- He’s loud, arrogant, hard to control, and a threat to win challenges. Everyone seemingly recognizes that now is the time to take out Tom, so he won’t live to see another day if things continue as planned.

11. Liza (3) – A smart player who made the big mistake of getting too close to a powder keg. Liza really has dug herself too big of a hole now, and if she does survive, we have a feeling that the rest of the house will nonetheless find a way to get her sent out the door during the double-eviction.

10. Gary (9) – Another eviction coming Thursday night change the way players think. If you are Emmett, Peter, or Alec, this is the sort of opportunity you have to take out a big threat when they don’t have time to talk their way out of a problem. Gary could be the second straight player to go from being in power to out the door.

9. AJ (13) – AJ is probably going to be the house pawn. He’s easy to put up since no one save for Andrew has much of a bond with him, but he also is so non-threatening that no one will get rid of him unless they absolutely have to.

8. Alec (2) – When it comes to double-eviction targets, Alec has to be considered a pretty easy one in that he is such a strong player and has so many alliances that if someone like Talla, Suzette, or possibly either Andrew or AJ wins, they could try to go after a dominant showmance and cause it to fall apart a little bit.

7. Emmett (4) – The other reason that Quatro is vulnerable here is because Liza knows the truth about them, and it probably going to expose the alliance at some point during the show tonight. This makes all of the guys a pretty immediate target, with Emmett being especially strong thanks to his alliance with Jillian.

6. Suzette (11)  – The epitome of a safe vote. If no one wants to ruffle any feathers at all, she will probably leave the game. However, we are starting to think that she will be here for the long haul now that she survived Tom.

5. Topaz (6) – If it wasn’t for Alec, she’d probably be even higher on this list, as the house’s most-rested resident has done a very good job at laying low and making sure that she is not in the way of what anyone else is planning to do.

4. Peter (1) – The biggest thing hurting Peter is that he’s close with Liza, but he’s also the most non-threatening member of Quatro. We could see him going on the block, but not out the door.

3. Talla (7) – Who is going to waste their HoH week on Talla? She’s just the resident party girl, and she seems to be more interested in antics than really playing the game.

2. Jillian (5) – By the same token, who is going to do anything with Jillian? She does have a solid alliance and is a threat, but will probably not be seen as much of one in the next few weeks thanks to Emmett. She’s found herself more than just a showmance partner; she’s found a human shield.

1. Andrew (12) – Talk about a big jump! This move upward is really just necessitated based on one thing: who in the world is going to try and get Andrew out of the game anytime soon? He’s not a threat in any way, he’s likable, and even if he goes up, he’s not going home. He may not have a ton of alliances right now, but that could change as the threats pick each other off.

If you want to see some last-minute updates from the “Big Brother Canada” live feed, you can do so over at the link here.

Photo: Slice

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