‘Dexter’ season 8: Jennifer Carpenter praises Michael C. Hall on directorial debut

DexterAs you may have heard at this point, Michael C. Hall is doing more than just acting on the upcoming second episode of “Dexter” season 8: he is also stepping into the director’s chair for the first time. This is obviously a risky move, but one that the actor obviously wanted to make in order to stretch some of his own talents, and to potentially show off even more of what he can do for his future beyond the show.

So while we are ultimately going to have to wait until the episode airs to really have a final verdict as to his performance, a Twitter message from his co-star Jennifer Carpenter seems to confirm that Michael does certainly have plenty to be rather proud of as we write this:

“It’s MCH’s last day as director on episode 2 & the rain on the roof of my trailer sounds like his round of applause for a job very well done.”

With “Dexter” surely winding down soon (and possibly very soon based on the casting information that recently hit the internet) Hall ultimately has to take advantage of this and just about every other opportunity that he is being given at the moment to try some new things. One of the only things that we know for sure about this episode right now is that Nick Gomez will continue to be around as the character of Javier, a hitman who could potentially be the villain of the season’s first two episodes.

Are you excited to see this episode of “Dexter” almost more than any other moving forward this season? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below, and you can also check out some scoop on some upcoming episode titles by paying a visit over to the link here.

Photo: Showtime

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