ABC’s ‘Castle’ season 5, episode 10 preview: A marital minefield (video)
Even though Castle and Beckett are not married, the two are in a serious relationship; and with that, of course, comes a set of rules. What’s one of the most important ones? It’s rather simple: don’t allow your ex-wife to come and stay with you, especially while the aforementioned girlfriend is doing the same thing.
As you will see in the sneak peek below from Monday night’s new “Castle” episode “Significant Others,” this episode starts off innocently enough as Beckett comes to stay at Rick’s place while her apartment is being fumigated; then, after Alexis falls ill with mono, her mother / Castle’s ex Meredith decides to do the same thing. While Castle tries to make it clear to her that this is not in any way appropriate, she has devised a rather clever way in which to keep himself under his roof: a guilt trip followed by a number of attempts to continually change the subject.
Even after finally submitting and allowing Meredith to stay put at his place, Castle is given another warning from some other people close to him that this is beyond a bad idea: most of his friends at the precinct. Being the masters of the man code that they are, Ryan and Esposito both warn the man that keeping Meredith there is only going to eventually cause a nuclear fight, and it’s not something that they would do. While ABC does not shore us the ramifications of Castle’s decision in the video below, know this: it happens, and it’s not good. (It does certainly make question whether or not this is the right guy for her.)
As for the final sneak peek that we have, let’s just say that it is a little bit more of a classic investigation scene. There’s not necessarily anything in here that relates to the issue on the homefront, so we’ll just leave that alone for now.
What do you think about these videos? In case you want to hear more “Castle” season 5 scoop, be sure to head on over to the link here.
Photo: ABC