‘Elementary’ review: When Watson leaves Holmes, who will be his sponsor?
On tonight’s episode of “Elementary” Watson tells Holmes that they need to find him a sponsor since her time with him will be coming to an end in a few weeks. Holmes, of course, is not interested, but Watson tells him that she’s setting up a coffee meeting anyways.
When a computer company blows up, Holmes and Watson are brought onto the scene to investigate, but because there will still be a few hours before Holmes can do any work, Watson sets up a meeting for Holmes to meet with Adrian, a potential sponsor. As usual Holmes finds a way to not like Adrian and decides that he cannot be his sponsor after he asks him a series of questions there are no right answers for.
At an addicts meeting, Holmes discovers a young man named Alfredo and wants him to be his sponsor after only hearing him speak for a few seconds. He tells Watson that he wants to meet with Alfredo so they can get to know each other better, so she sets up a meeting with him. As Watson and Alfredo wait at the coffee shop for Holmes, she receives a text from him saying that he won’t be able to attend. Alfredo says that he has never been a sponsor before, but that he’s been preparing to be one for a long time and that he’s very interested in sponsoring Holmes.
When Watson later meets up with Holmes she tells him that she told Alfredo that they will reschedule the meeting so that Holmes and Alfredo chat. She tries to set up another meeting with Alfredo, but Holmes says that he doesn’t want him anymore. Watson confronts him about not wanting Alfredo or anyone else because he wants her to stay and he denies it.
Later Alfredo shows up at Holmes place and offers him a challenge, to pick a state of the art lock on a brand new car as a way to create a bond between them. Holmes calls Watson out on her plan to match these two up and he assures her that by participating in the lock picking bromance with Alfredo that he is not conceding to having him as a sponsor. She says she understands and he makes his way down to the car where Alfredo is waiting.
How do you think they will keep Watson around in Holmes’ life after her time with him is up? Do you think she will become his sponsor or are you liking Alfredo? Leave us a comment and tell us what you think.
Looking for more “Elementary” news? Be sure to check out some of our other stories about the show.
Photo: CBS
December 1, 2012 @ 7:00 pm
I actually am very curious to know how Watson will stay in Holmes life. Will she leave the show? I think that is very unlikely, but who knows…
I hope Alfredo stays, but as a secondary character, the original Holmes always had many helpers, usually people who owned him favors.
Sorry the bad writing, but english is not my first language. Great review, by the way.