NBC’s ‘The Voice’: The Roxy responds to Adam Levine ‘diss’ with marquee
While there were clearly some great performances on Monday night’s live top 8 show on “The Voice,” there were also clearly some bizarre moments … including a strange diss of a popular Hollywood hotspot in The Roxy courtesy of one Adam Levine. After Cassadee Pope’s performance of “Are You Happy Now” (which you can see below), Adam related a story of how Maroon 5 used to open for Michelle Branch, and they had a really terrible experience at The Roxy when they weren’t give a dressing room. He also said that the place was “horrible,” and that no one should ever go there.
So what did the venue have to say in response to this? Well, let’s just say that they are not above having a little bit of fun at the expense of Levine now. Following the show’s airing on the West Coast, The Roxy changed their marquee outside so that it said the following message above. The managed of The Roxy’s Twitter feed also question what the rage was all about, but sadly didn’t offer up any more details as to what went on there.
Ultimately, this was really just an interesting TV moment and nothing more. What Levine did was give publicity to a venue that may not be that familiar to viewers outside of California, and when it comes to people who do frequent The Roxy already, we’re sure that Adam’s comments are surely not going to change their mind at all.
What did you think about Adam’s comment, and do you think that The Roxy is totally handling it in the past way possible?