See Overgirl, Dark Arrow, Dark Flash in Crisis on Earth-X photo


Want to see a very significant Crisis on Earth-X photo featuring Overgirl, Dark Arrow, and Dark Flash? You’ve come to the right place.

The picture above (via The CW) is your first look at Stephen Amell, Tom Cavanagh, and Melissa Benoist playing what are the Earth-X versions of the Green Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl. The entire premise of Crisis on Earth-X is that these invaders to Earth-1 are coming from a world in which the Nazis won World War II and have very different alignments as a result of that.

When it comes to some immediate observations, one of the most immediately-noticeable things here is that Dark Arrow’s costume looks almost identical to the one that the Green Arrow has. If anyone meets Oliver Queen on Earth-1 is anyone really going to be able to tell the difference? Meanwhile, making Harrison Wells Dark Flash over Barry Allen raises many different questions, including whether this is Wells or just Earth-X Eobard Thawne within Wells’ body, similar to the first season of The Flash a few years ago. Why not have Grant Gustin play Dark Flash? One theory is that maybe the producers just decided that they just had Gustin playing evil courtesy of Savitar and wanted to shake things up a little bit.

Having Benoist as Overgirl is the most interesting of the three characters pictured above thanks mostly to her costume being so different and distinct from the original — after all, Dark Flash feels like Revere Flash with a few tweaks and Dark Arrow is … well, we’ve already covered that. Are these three the ringleaders of the Earth-X villains, or will there be some evil versions of characters from Legends of Tomorrow? This is one of many interesting questions to be answered.

Crisis on Earth-X is set to get together the casts from all of the CW superhero shows over the course of a four-hour event. The wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West seems to be the main event that originally brings everyone together, and from there we could end up seeing a wide array of other craziness unfold.

What do you think about this photo, and which one of these characters are you the most interested to see? Share in the comments below now!

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