Saturday Night Live preview: Larry David – Miley Cyrus hijinks begins
All of us here at CarterMatt are thinking that out of anyone that SNL could’ve possibly paired with David, Miley is one of the best choices. She has an understanding of his brand of humor and overall sensibility, and you get a sense of that in these previews below. She plays off of his intentional awkwardness well, wondering why in the world someone would be interested in taking their own elevator for no reason other than added privacy. She and Beck Bennett in the second preview both question why in the world he is so apathetic about making a proper introduction to this weekend’s show.
The interesting thing about David as a performer is that he’s capable of so much more than his wheelhouse of the awkward curmudgeon who everyone thinks is a terrible person — he’s done that on stage before! Yet, being his Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry David is the guy that he’s comfortable with and because there are so few other people who can play this character anywhere near as well as him he’s able to continue to do it. He’s very funny in these previews just as he’s very funny in Curb Your Enthusiasm, even if every episode he is effectively doing the same thing and the story arc rarely ever changes.
Last time David hosted SNL, there were two things that he did that were pretty iconic: Bern Your Enthusiasm and his character of FBI training simulator man Kevin Roberts. Kevin Roberts was David S. Pumpkins before Tom Hanks ever played the character — he’s an obnoxious guy with a bold outfit who says nutty things. The whole point of Kevin Roberts, (much like Mr. Pumpkins) was that he makes no real sense and there’s no reason why he acts the way that he does. While we personally hope that the sketch isn’t replicated (it was great the first time and SNL doesn’t need to pound this sketch into the ground), they probably will just because this is the sort of thing that the show often does when they find something that works.
For the record, CarterMatt actually had a fairly-good time watching the David S. Pumpkins Halloween Special. Come at us, internet!
As for Bern Your Enthusiasm and David’s famous Bernie Sanders impression, what’s the point of bringing it back now? Bernie isn’t in the press unless you want to do something talking about the DNC’s perceived favoritism towards Hillary Clinton, but even with some of the recent news items in mind it still feels like old news. We’d rather see something new and risky — maybe there are some duds, but you have to be creative in order to get big winners. Otherwise, we never would’ve gotten Kevin Roberts in the first place.
What do you want to see from the Larry David – Miley Cyrus episode of Saturday Night Live? Share now in the comments!
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