Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: Nomination plan; drunken antics (day 80, morning)
There are still five people in the house, and things this week are probably going to take a turn for the predictable depending on what happens. Josh won the Head of Household Competition last night, which seems to be one part of what could be an extended week of BB Comics related competitions. (They didn’t see their own comics, so hopefully that is something that is coming up for the Veto.) Josh is planning to nominate Alex and Kevin for eviction, and from there, Christmas is willing to be the replacement nominee if need be. There are only going to be two people voting, so as long as either Paul or Christmas is voting, Josh still gets to control the vote.
If Alex wins Veto, Kevin goes home. If anyone else wins the Veto, Kevin stays and Alex goes home. Things are about as simple as that at the moment. This will be a shorter week with the eviction show happening fairly quickly, but that’s the way things always go when you get down to final 5. Contrary to what Paul may think, there is still no Sunday eviction show.
Last night also brought us an instance of massive drunkenness, as Alex and Josh’s Head of household baskets led to everyone drinking a ton of beer (well, everyone other than Kevin) and having a good time. The plan with Alex seems to be to tell her, (presumably after the Veto or Veto Ceremony) that she will be leaving the game. Nobody seems to have any intention of leading her on or giving her false hope that she’s going to stay in the game if she’s going to jury. Josh feels terrible about Jason leaving the Big Brother house so angry and he really doesn’t want to do it here. As terrible as he may feel, he probably realizes that Paul’s plan was 100% right. Because of him not voting to send Alex home he was able to flip her back, and in turn, he’s going to make her feel incredibly foolish now when she goes out the door sooner rather than later. She made some mistakes in the game, and now she has to live with them.
Could Paul go home this week?
Sure, but it’s not going to happen just because he has no interest in going on the block, and seems to have everyone convinced that nominating him is a bad move because he’ll presumably be evicted if it happens. We wish we had jury house feeds today just so that Cody can give everyone a big dose of “I told you so” after they all come in there.
Did you miss the Celebrity Big Brother reveal last night?
Then check out the link here! Also, come back later today for our latest CarterMatt interview with Big Brother 19 executive producer Allison Grodner. (Photo: CBS.)