Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: The Josh who cried wolf (day 76, morning)
The irony of what we saw overnight is that Josh is right on so many things, but doesn’t have anyone in the house willing to see where he’s coming from. Take, for example, that Paul is only looking out for himself — Christmas doesn’t believe it, but Josh realizes it and can’t convince anyone else of it because everyone is still drunk on the cult of Paul Kool-Aid. Beyond that, Josh is also aware that there is likely not an eviction today; instead, there’ll probably be a double eviction later on in the week. That’s one of the other reasons why he’s so wary of Paul using the Veto on Alex and splitting the vote in order to ensure that Jason goes home after a tie — Josh knows that there won’t be much time to do damage control. As a result of that, he also realizes that he needs to be very careful with what he wants to do.
Here’s the other problem coming up for Josh — there’s no real incentive to actually flip on Paul right now, given that he doesn’t have the trust anywhere else. There’s no merit that comes with working with Alex and Jason until one of them is gone, Raven is a total Paul sheep, and then Kevin is ostracized by much of the house. Really, the best thing that Josh can hope for at this point is to maybe target him at around final five or final four, and then just try to win out the rest of the way. If Josh makes it to the end against Christmas, maybe he has a slight chance of winning. We do think that we’ve all been sleeping on how much Josh knows about this game for a while because Paul’s been convincing him to play like an idiot.
One of the other debates from last night was when to actually tell Jason that he was leaving the game. There’s been talk about doing it the morning of the eviction, and there’s been talk about doing it right before. Saying something is a risk given that it means Jason could try to do something to flip things. Why can’t we just have an old-fashioned blindside and all of the tremendous fun that comes with it? Is that really too much to ask this season?
If you missed it…
You can check out some of the Big Brother 19 highlights from last night just by heading over to the link here! (Photo: CBS.)