Power season 4 finale spoilers: There’s no turning back now

Power season 4 finale spoilers

We’ve got a few more Power season 4 finale spoilers to give you today, and this time around we’re talking philosophically. After all, mindset is a huge part of James St. Patrick’s confidence — even with him in jail, he’s still had that invulnerability quality about him. He’s thought that he could be as bad as he wants in secret and it wouldn’t change all that much in terms of his personal life. He was good at separating the two.

Herein lies Ghost’s primary problem: His actions influenced the behavior of his son Tariq, and he wasn’t anywhere near as equipped to balance out his criminal acts and his home life. He got himself into a pickle he couldn’t get out of, and when his sister Raina stepped in, she paid the ultimate price with with her life. She’s now dead, and there is no guarantee that anyone will ever recover from that.

As a matter of fact, this seems to be precisely what the finale’s director Rob Hardy had to say in a new interview with TV Guide:

“With these characters, everybody can be focused on themselves and on what they want and don’t really realize how [their] lifestyles and [their] decisions affect the people that [they] love indirectly … And I think [her death] changes the course of peoples’ lives.”

The biggest questions that we have revolves around whether or not this death changes the course of anyone’s lives in terms of what they were doing right before the shooting. For example, does this push Tasha away even more than she was, or does this move cause Jamie to look for an escape of his own? Angela is still out there, and their last meeting in public was certainly far less rocky than some previous ones. We don’t foresee romance being in their near future, but you can never say never with these two. With the nature of their previous relationship, you do have to think that it could start up in a split second.

As for Tariq, this could be the thign that completely sends him down a dark path, even to the point where he becomes worse than Ghost, Kanan, or anyone else on the show. The alternative there, however, is that he could actually use this moment more to take stock in his own life and realize that he has to make changes. There is no going back in time, but maybe he finds a way to pick up the pieces and live in a way she would be proud of. The pain of this is likely never going to leave, so he does need a certain degree of awareness on that subject. Otherwise, there’s a good chance that he will create unrealistic expectations on himself.

Want some more Power season finale spoilers?

If so, be sure to head over to the link here to see the full synopsis for the big episode! We will be back over the weekend with some previews and preparation for what lies ahead in the hour. (Photo: Starz.)

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