The CW airing Vixen on broadcast TV; possible Flash, Legends of Tomorrow implications


If you haven’t had a chance to see the CW Seed animated series Vixenan interesting opportunity is coming on Wednesday night. The network is going to air the series for a two-hour event, one that will also include interviews with some of the top creative talent behind the scenes for all of the various different superhero shows.

So why do this, and why do it now? Well, one of the biggest reasons for it seems to be the rise of Vixen story heading into Legends of Tomorrow season 3. Amaya is still going to be a main character on the show, and as Legends fans know she is the grandmother of Mari McCabe, the main character on the animated series voiced by Megalyn EK. We actually have seen EK appear in the past the live-action version of the character back on Arrow when he was dealing with a great deal of mystical problems.

Oh, and did we mention that the Vixen villain Kuasa is going to play a huge role on Legends of Tomorrow this coming season, as well? It’s no coincidence that The CW is plotting out this special now to get people a little more engaged on this story. While we think that you don’t need to have seen Vixen to understand anything what is coming on Legends of Tomorrow, it certainly doesn’t hurt and it may be nice to actually see the character on the small screen as opposed to just on your computer.

As for why you should watch this special if you love Arrow, The Flash, or some of the other editions of the CW superhero universe, the most simple thing that we can say on that subject is that there are going to be some opportunities to learn additional teasers all about what is going to be coming up. If you’re the impatient type — which makes sense, given that this is such a long hiatus and there is a lot to love about these shows, you’ve got a pretty darn great motivation to want to check some of them out.

As for whether or not we see Mari again within the live-action universe, that seems mostly up to Megalyn. The reports were that she was asked to do Legends of Tomorrow but was unavailable due to her schedule.

Want to get a little more news on The Flash?

Have no fear! We’ve got some insight on the upcoming story that you can check out over at the link here right now. (Photo: The CW.)

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