America’s Got Talent: See boy band 5 Alive audition now (video)
There is something about this group that feels as thought they jumped straight out of 1998 when it comes to their style and the way that they sing, but simultaneously, they are legitimately very good. They’re all good singers, very strong dancers, and they don’t seem to get phased at all by the pressure of the moment. Their swagger even going into the audition is impressive, with them noting that their primary goal is mostly to give America a great boy band during these troubled times.
These guys do seem to know that they’re over-the-top and kind of ridiculous, but that self-awareness works when you’ve got the talent to back them up. Mel B already used her golden buzzer on Darci Lynne earlier this season, but if she hadn’t we wonder if she’d do so here given that she is all about this. 5 Alive certainly feels like one of those groups that should’ve come out around the time of the Spice Girls when ironically, there isn’t a single one of these guys who were alive when the Spice Girls first got together over 20 years ago.
It goes without saying that these five guys are going to be moving on to the next round, but we’re honestly not sure how Simon Cowell feels about this after watching his reaction. We definitely know that he loves boy bands given that One Direction made him approximately a billion dollars. (We’re being hyperbolic here.) The mystery is whether or not he’ll think that these guys are some sort of spoof or something that devalues what he does with his own bands — we don’t think so. We’d watch these guys over most other boy bands out there just because they’re interesting and make a real effort to entertain. There’s something fun about that as opposed to a bunch of guys just standing around pretending to be humble.
Now, we turn this over to you
Do you think that 5 Alive has what it takes to go far into America’s Got Talent on this coming season? Be sure to share now in the comments!
Meanwhile, head over to this link in the event you do want to get some further news and updates right now when it comes to the show. (Photo: NBC.)