Shark Tank revisited: DigiWrap, Hand Out Gloves, PolyGldie Synthetic Ice, Sealed by Santa


DigiWrap, Hand Out Gloves, PolyGlide Synthetic Ice, and Sealed by Santa were all products first featured on Shark Tank back when it first aired prior to the holiday season.

Now, for whatever reason, these products are coming back for Friday night’s new episode. Admittedly, this is an odd time in order to highlight these business again. They’re worthy of some more love, but will they really sell that well now following the show?

Here’s the good news: In looking over these products for this revisiting feature today, it’s great to report that all of them have shown some progress since they were last on the show and seem to be doing well.

Sealed by Santa – When they were first on the Tank, the idea was presented effectively as a smart, seasonal holiday customization brand to help parents create a little Christmas magic. It’s a hard business to gauge now at the end of May, but it’s clear that the company is branching out by coming up with products themed around the Easter Bunny for a separate time of the year. Branching out is a sign of success, so this is a clear sign the company is expanding.

PolyGlide Synthetic Ice – This is the sort of company that felt great at what they do when they were last in the Tank, but there was also a glaring problem: Scaling this outward. It’s very expensive to get fake ice and your home, and you have to have the right space for it. There are just too many different intangibles that caused this to not get a deal then. They’re running good sales and continue to be fighting the good fight now, but not that much ultimately has changed.

DigiWrap – If you are looking for a company that provides customization for almost anything from gift wrap to gift bags, this is the right place! They’ve done an excellent job continuing to blossom since the show, given that they are now almost a one-shop stop for almost everything related to gifting. Unlike the other products mentioned in this article so far, they also have the added benefit of not being seasonal in the slightest. This is probably actually far more useful for birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings than any other event that takes place over the course of a year.

Hand Out Gloves – It’s a simple product with a simple premise: Globes that you can unzip and allow your hands to breathe a little. It’s useful for working out in the winter, but once again the problem here becomes that it’s on a show airing a repeat in the summer when there aren’t going to be as many interested consumers as there would be if this was an episode airing six months from now. Still, they’ve shown some impressive improvement adding more variety since the show first aired.

Want to get some further news when it comes to Shark Tank? Then be sure to head over to the link here right now. (Photo: ABC.)

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