‘Legends of Tomorrow’ season 2, episode 12 preview: Welcome to Camelot!

LegendsTomorrow night’s new “Legends of Tomorrow” episode “Camelot/3000” should prove itself to be one for the ages. We’re focusing in on the search for the Spear of Destiny, but more than that, we’re venturing into Arthurian times — which should certainly be exciting.

For one, it’s an opportunity to see Nate Heywood’s preconceived notion for what Camelot should be like as a historian completely blow up in his face. For the record, everything that he says makes some sense. In the video below, executive producer Phil Klemmer notes that you’re going to see instead a version that is rather idyllic, in between the fantastic suits of armor, the white horses, and so many other iconic images.

As for what happens from here … that’s part of the fun. We’ll have some of the main villains of the season back in the era as well, doing whatever it is that they can in order to achieve their own mission of bringing the Spear together and reversing their fate. This is a race to find it first, and that’s bad news for the Legends given that they’re not altogether well-equipped to be winning ANY races in the near future. This is precisely what happens when you’re squaring off against someone in Eobard Thawne who is clearly not the sort of person who can outrun anyone … even if he’s in part doing this because he’s running from his own Grim Reaper. The Black Flash is after him, and while he was stopped temporarily the last we saw him, that doesn’t quite indicate that he’ll be stuck there forever. You gotta think that it’s a little harder to stop the personification of Death beyond just locking him in a room somewhere. If that was it, wouldn’t some other people try to resort to these tactics, as well? Sure seems like it.

Given that there is a smaller number of episodes for this show as opposed to the other three in the CW – DC Comics universe, be prepared to see things move along rather quickly here in the search for the spear — after all, there also does need to be time for a proper showdown between the Legends and the legion, wherever that may be.

Want to know what important character is returning to “Legends of Tomorrow” sooner rather than later? Then be sure to visit the link here right now! (Photo: The CW.)


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