Should ‘Supergirl’ season 2 make Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor (‘Supercorp’) into something more?
Mrs. Carter: Another “Supergirl” ‘ship is starting to rise…
One of the interesting things that came out of Monday night’s new episode is that the relationship that got the most attention among the internet fandom was not the one between Kara and Mon-El; meanwhile, the same goes for Alex and Maggie. Instead, it’s Kara and Lena Luthor, two characters who’ve become good friends despite Lena’s mother being one of the architects behind Project Cadmus (and there being some slight ambiguity in terms of whether or not Lena can be trusted).
Even before the episode aired, these two characters did still have a rather large fan following in support of them. They had their own ‘ship name of #Supercorp, and an ever-growing band of support to go along with it. They are characters who had some support behind them even before “Luthors,” but this episode caused the attention around them to spike to another level. No matter how many people doubted Lena’s ability to be innocent following Metallo and Lillian’s escape from prison, Kara never gave up on her. The two shared many meaningful conversations, and at the end of the episode, there was definitely a moment where many people felt as though Lena was about to go in for a kiss.
Is this the audience projecting what they want to project on the scene, and taking naturally-good chemistry to another level as a result? Possibly, but we do think that a sign of a great show is that you have characters with the sort of chemistry where you can imagine such things happening. You want people who are multi-dimensional, and feelings that are at times ambiguous. If people want to ‘ship two characters together, it’s a compliment since it means that you’re making the audience feel something.
As for whether or not Lena and Kara as a couple could ever be canon, that’s something that is hard to know for sure. So far Kara has been presented as a heterosexual character with interest in James Olsen and now Mon-El; meanwhile, Lena’s sexuality has not been thoroughly explored. The show already has one LGBT couple in Alex / Maggie, so they may choose to go in a different direction with Kara, but should they? There aren’t that many television shows out there that have two LGBT couples, and to that we say why not!? This is clearly something the fanbase is interested in seeing, the chemistry is there for Kara and Lena and just because Alex is in a relationship with Maggie it shouldn’t mean that the LGBT door is closed to everyone else.
The show would be wrong to completely ignore that this fan base is out there — maybe the support of the two characters together doesn’t turn into anything other than the writers trying to give Lena and Kara more scenes together, but we certainly know that fans have proven to have an influence on the DC – CW universe in the past (just look at Arrow and the Olicity ship).
What do you want to see from the two characters on “Supergirl” this season — do you think that Lena and Kara should be an item? Share below, and click here to get some further news when it comes to the show. (Photo: The CW.)
February 15, 2017 @ 6:17 am
YES YES YES PLEASE! They have incredible chemistry ?
February 15, 2017 @ 3:20 am
They should definitely take advantage of this amazing chemistry between Katie and Melissa. On top of the chemistry, you have a Super and a Luthor; this dynamic alone would be an amazing story throughout the series (from S2-season infinity)! So we have one gay couple, and 2 gay characters, but I cringe every time I read people say that “we” should be content with that. I love Alex Danvers and her comimg out story. I have loved Alex’s character from the beginning! She is such an amazing and powerful woman. As a woman, and a lesbian, the character of Alex, along with the amazing Kara/ Alex relationship, has kept me invested in this show. Season 1 had so much going for it with the focus of strong women (Cat, SG/Kara, Alex, Lucy, Astra, heck even Vasquez!). Now S2 has had the most amazing coming out story in television history. It would be even more groundbreaking if a show like Supergirl would make Supercorp/ Karlena canon at some point in this series. Whatever happens in from this point on, I just hope the writers and CW take a big chance on something new. On a very close side note, make Katie McGrath a regular! :) I look forward to the remaining episodes this season.
February 14, 2017 @ 11:45 pm
It’s a fun ship, but doubt they’ll ever go anywhere romantic. However, a close friendship would be nice. Remember SuperCat is also a thing! Basically Melissa Benoist has chemistry with EVERYONE!
Nicole Recchia
February 14, 2017 @ 10:42 pm
OMG YESSSS. The chemistry is off the charts. Can’t deny it. I ship them more than Sanvers
March 15, 2017 @ 3:23 am
Hey hypocritical manhater Mon-El isnt going anywhere. Toxic supercorpse shipper. You are whats wrong with this fandom. Wrecking another one like you did OUAT and The 100
Nicole Recchia
March 15, 2017 @ 9:50 am
Ha. Manhater? You think mon el is a man? He acts like a immature brat. Hey everyone. I’m dating Kara. Please. Give me a break
. How can you say he is written as a great guy. He has been lying to Kara from day one. He doesn’t listen to her at all and doesn’t respect her at all. Winn and Jon are written as great guys. Not my fault mon hell is not going over well with alot of fans and critics.Can’t wait till his lying ways are caught. WE didn’t sign up too watch the mon Hell show. That’s for sure. The best 2 new written characters just happen to be Lena and Maggie and even Lyra. Written great
March 15, 2017 @ 11:58 am
We ?? You mean you crazies from LGBT Community onto ruin another fandom with your manhate just because he is the female leads love interest. And are you really that dumb you can’t see he is on a journey to become the famous Mon-El from the comics. And more lies from a manhater like you. All love him why else are there tons of fan vids dedicated to Karamel hell we even trended we love karamel for over 3 hours WW. You must really hate heroes like James Bond the famous wominizer, Tony Stark, star-Lord ect. Your manhate is seriously transparent
Nicole Recchia
March 15, 2017 @ 3:13 pm
Lmao. You karamel lovers are so scared of this little ship called Supercorp. Not my fault ur little boy is not as popular as the other new characters. And you can defend him for the way he has treated Kara. Nice toxic relationship you ship. And on other websites that have good love story couples your couple isn’t even nominated. Supercorp is with straight couples from huge shows and are kicking their assess. So keep shipping mon Hell. After One week they were in bed. That’s the kiss of death. Real men like Jon and Winn should be featured. Not that idiot who laughs at his own jokes. He is written badly.
March 15, 2017 @ 4:50 pm
You have no clue what toxic even is you idiot. And with all the sane fans he is very much loved. Its only you who are affraid of heteros
So this is what toxic is to you lol
Nicole Recchia
March 15, 2017 @ 6:27 pm
Lmao. I’m hetero myself. Your boy has so much hate. Loved?? Maybe on the teen sites. Look at the beginning of this article. Says the 1 couple getting all the attention is NOT karamel. Ha. Says something. It’s called chemistry. Karamel has ZIP. Ha
Jessica Neema
April 8, 2017 @ 8:52 pm
Karamel has plenty. u think people can magically turn gay, guess those gay conversion therapists were right. Maybe if you want Supercorp, Alex has to undergo gay therapy since u don’t mind hetero erasure to erase Kara heterosexuality.