‘The Flash’ season 3 trailer: Iris joins the fight with Barry
For those of you wondering if we were going to be see Iris West simply lay down and allow herself to be killed on “The Flash” moving forward this season, then obviously you don’t know her all that well.
Earlier today, The CW released a new trailer for some of the upcoming episodes this winter, and there is one word that we’d use to describe it: Awesome. This gives you so many different little teases at what is to come, but the biggest one is simply that Iris feels almost empowered by the vision of Savitar taking her out. It seems as though she’s got this inner confidence that nobody else is going to kill her, and that allows her to be a little bit more bold and brazen in some of her actions. It’s definitely the coolest version of Iris that we’ve seen yet.
Speaking of cool, how about seeing Cisco in his vibe outfit starting to get into the thick of things? You get a brief taste of him taking on Gypsy in the trailer, and also him trying to ask her out. (Why does Cisco love the women who are otherwise terrifying?) We know that she possesses similar powers to him, and in some ways, they may even be advanced. Judging from the tiny clip that we see here, it looks like their battle could take them to other dimensions — is that Cat Grant’s office from “Supergirl”? It could be the tiny crossover we never saw coming, but the clip of it is so short that it is fairly hard to know for sure.
“The Flash” itself spoiled a number of other things that could be coming up moving forward, including the return of Grodd, the Music Meister, and also the STAR Labs Museum shutting down. Of these three, we know at least two of them are going to be happening later this season. Maybe Cisco’s already saved the Museum.
Where do you think the story is going to go from here on “The Flash”? Share some of your thoughts and suggestions now with a comment, and head over here for further news, previews, and a whole lot more when it comes to the show. (Photo: The CW.)