‘Scandal’ season 6 spoilers: Premiere details (finally) released by ABC

ScandalABC certainly made you wait for “Scandal” this time around. To better accommodate star Kerry Washington’s pregnancy the drama had itself a shorter episode order this time around, and with that, it made more sense to delay the premiere. After all, this way we get a chance to see the entire season at once without any sort of terrible gap in the middle of it.

Trust us when we say that we’re pretty darn sure that ABC also wanted to get this show on relatively fast once they started to see the ratings for “Notorious,” a show that they never even gave #TGIT billing to. The familiar lineup is now officially back, and Olivia Pope will grace your TV screen once more on January 19 with “Survival of the Fittest.” Judging from the official synopsis below, this is not an episode planning on making you wait to find out an answer to one of the show’s long-simmering mysteries: Who won the election?

“The election results for the presidential race between Mellie Grant and Francisco Vargas are announced, and the shocking results lead to an explosive outcome.”

Story-wise, we find ourselves rooting for Mellie simply due to the fact that we’ve got the larger investment in her story; plus, Fitz going from being the President to being the ex-husband of the new President is incredibly juicy.

Here’s what we hope doesn’t happen: Some sort of complicated scenario where neither candidate gets enough votes on their own to secure the Presidency, so as a result of that the vote ends up going over to Congress and things get really loopy and strange. This is something that’s already occurred on “Veep,” just as this is something that’s taking place now with “Madam Secretary.” We know showing off these processes can be interesting, but it’s fair to say that we’ve had our fill of all things election-based for at least the next year and a half. Wake us up when it’s time for midterms to take place.

Who do you think the winner of this election is going to be? Share below, and be sure to check out the remainder of our “Scandal” coverage at the site now. (Photo: ABC.)

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