What ‘Arrow,’ ‘The Flash,’ ‘Supergirl,’ and ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ stars want this holiday season

DC -The holiday season is here, and given that this is the season of giving, why not spend a season or two trying to figure out what some of your favorite characters from the DC – CW universe would be getting in the event they were real? Hanukkah and Christmas are coming around at about the same time this year, and the good news there is that everyone can effectively celebrate at around the same time!

We’ve been doing some of these articles as of late geared around a single show, but for the sake of this article in particular, we’re going to be casting a slightly different approach as we look at things more from the vantage point of “The Flash,” “Arrow,” “Supergirl,” and “Legends of Tomorrow.”

Barry Allen – A 300-page guide on who Savitar is and how to beat him. Not sure that’s located anywhere convenient.

Caitlin Snow – A lighter, just to warm her up whenever she’s feeling too frosty.

Iris West – Someone to bring back the Lazarus Pit … just in case.

Wild Dog – Someone to tell him he’s actually right for a change.

Cisco Ramon – Lisa Snart to stick around longer than an episode here or there.

Alex Danvers – A reservation for a romantic dinner with Maggie, somewhere she could go to actually have a nice conversation without all of the danger.

Kara Danvers – More OPTIMISM! We kid. It’d honestly probably be some memento from Kypton because she has the ability to get almost everything else that she could possibly want.

James Olsen – Some sort of email from Cat Grant updating on what in the world he’s actually supposed to be doing. She hasn’t done a particularly good job making that clear.

John Diggle – Clearly a lockpick. Or about 800 since to use a “Skyrim” analogy, that particular lock wherever he happens to be is probably set on around Master difficulty.

Oliver Queen – Probably the head of Prometheus on a pole, but we’re not sure that this is the sort of gift Santa is going to be willing to hand out.

Felicity Smoak – The world’s largest box of tissues. No joke here.

Sara Lance – Judging from what she thought about Supergirl, she probably wants Cisco to build her one of those devices so she can hop over to National City.


Nate Heywood – Cheap clothes. We can’t imagine changing into steel suddenly is good for the ones he’s wearing.

Us watching “Legends of Tomorrow” – A time machine so we could go back and find a way to get more of Patrick J. Adams on the show.

What would you give some of your favorite DC – CW characters? Share now in the comments below!

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