‘Big Brother OTT’: Who deserves to return for a summer season?

Over the Top -

Big Brother: Over the Top” is coming to a close, and while there are several things we don’t like about this same (namely the toxic environment that exists now in some corners of the internet), there are many things that we do like: This was probably our favorite “Big Brother” newbie cast in some time. Personally, we’d say “Big Brother 11” — but given that was the first season we covered professionally, we’re a little partial to it.

We wonder what it would be like to see some of these players back on a summer season of the show; for some, it’d probably be a dumpster fire. For others, who knows? Maybe they could do a little bit better, but they all have things to work on and nobody played a perfect game. Even Jason, who’s likely going to win this whole thing, made a questionable deal or two.

Below, you can take a look at our ideal four candidates to come back to the game next season — and to go along with that, what they need to do in order to correct their games if they do make it on TV this summer.

Our candidates

Alex Willett – Super-strategic, an enormous fan of this game, and someone who we think could potentially even win an all-newbie season. Her biggest issues this time were having another person in the game she constantly had to think about (it inhibited her deal-making at times), winning Head of Household too early, and focusing too much on campaigning to America when she started to get in trouble to the point where she alienated some viewers. She won’t have to augment too much about her game with America not being as involved, but she would need to take a step back because of how much of a gameplay threat she came across as this time.

Danielle Lickey – Very strong in competitions, capable of making big moves, and someone with a sizable fan base among fans online — producers would have to consider her on that basis alone. Danielle’s biggest issue if she returns is thinking ahead versus playing in the moment without regard for the feelings of others. The final five deal that she and Jason made seemed mostly for the sake of rubbing it in the competition’s face, and it came back to bite her hard. Jason was able to deflect the vitriol better than she was, and she was made into the larger threat as a result.  She has to avoid situations this deliberately personal.

Justin Duncan – He’s such a unique contestant in that he’s got some element of game, but at the same time much of his charm just comes from his personality. He’s almost like Keith Nale from “Survivor” in that he’s been cast for the funny moments and you hope that somewhere along the way he’ll make a move or two. The unfortunate thing for Justin is that he probably has a better chance of winning this season than he does a normal “Big Brother,” and his chances here may be running out of steam. We just don’t think he could explain his strategy to a jury at the end.

Shelby Stockton – Tremendous entertainment, wonderful Diary Rooms, and an attitude that we typically don’t see from players in this game. We know she can win competitions, and we definitely know that she could argue her case in front of a jury with her background. She won’t be able to keep her intelligence under wraps again, so to compensate for that what she really needs to do is go and study the game more and how to handle certain situations. Her social game with people who weren’t her allies wasn’t always great; what many people this season need to realize is that it’s never great to have other players in the same game openly dislike you.

If we were to throw an honorable mention out there, we’d say Scott just because personally we like him and root for that archetype, but we think that the confident nerdy superfan is a type that tends to do particularly well and we’ve already seen guys like Ian and Steve win the summer versions.

Who would you like to see, if anyone, return for a summer season? Vote below, and head over here to read our recent feature regarding why the internet community has severely hampered this season. (Photo: CBS.)

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