‘Girl Meets World’ season 3, episode 10 video: Could Maya stop Shawn – Katy wedding?
The next new episode of “Girl Meets World” is entitled “Girl Meets I Do,” and based on every indication out there, this is going to be a huge episode for the series. Given that the future beyond this season is still unclear, it certainly feels like the producers are throwing everything into this current batch of episodes.
In this episode, that means not only allowing the character of Shawn Hunter from “Boy Meets World” to find happiness, but also Maya’s mother Katy. These two recently became engaged, and it’s not lost on us that this was a very short engagement. Apparently, it also was not lost in Maya. She seems rather anxious in the promo below about her mom getting married, and possibly her life undergoing a big change as a result of that. We see her ask her mother if she’s ready, and she also seems to interrupt the wedding itself. (Sidebar: Isn’t it nice to see Mr. Feeny present to officiate?)
Ultimately, we do think that everything will work out here in the end, but there is a certain element of mystery to this episode since the majority of the Shawn – Katy relationship has transpired offscreen. Since this is really more the story of Riley and the Matthews family, we for the most part see Maya in relation to them, with her mother making sporadic appearances along the way. We do at least know Shawn loves both Katy and her daughter, and that is a solid foundation for everything else.
Want to get some other news regarding the future of “Girl Meets World”? Then be sure to head over here, where you can see what the Disney Channel had to say about season 4.
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