‘Girl Meets World’ season 3, episode 8 review: Riley, Lucas and Maya face dreams and interruptions

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For a show that does claim to be about much more than a love triangle, Friday night’s “Girl Meets World” had an awfully weird way of showing it. We spent the vast majority of “Girl Meets Ski Lodge” in a new location, but dealing almost with one subject that could be so easily resolved: By Lucas just ending the charade and announcing who he picked.

That’s the most frustrating thing with the triangle: It is not exactly like we’re stalling because of uncertainty. He claims that he now knows what it is that he wants, so we just have to wait for him to unveil it to the world. During that wait tonight, we saw Riley and Maya spend some time envisioning their own futures with him, ones that were basically polar opposites.

For Riley, she saw her and Lucas in some sort of crazy spy movie, saving the world with action and danger. For Riley, they were in an old-school romance, with the difference between that the two were perpetually happy and there were no stumbling blocks. All of this was fun, albeit unnecessary. What made it work a little better were some of the running gags, including Maya routinely being reminded of the age difference between her and Cory’s younger brother Josh, who turned up to be a chaperone.

In the end, none of this love triangle drama may matter because of a guy working the front counter of the ski lodge who Riley met at the end of the episode. Clearly, the show is trying to create at least some parallels between this and “Boy Meets World,” and the events of that were clearly recognized over the course of the half-hour. If Riley ends up falling for this guy it’s slightly different than what happens to Cory; granted, if Lucas had chosen her, he may wish that he had come clean about it before now.

In the end, we’re not going to deny that “Girl Meets Ski Lodge: Part 1” had some funny moments. The downside is that there was also a lot of filler, and we’re really just prolonging something at this point that really just needs to be out in the open. Grade: B-.

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