‘UnREAL’ season 2, episode 4 video: Is Quinn out to hurt Darius?


Based on the ending to this past episode of “UnREAL,” there are a few things that we know starting with this: We are on the precipice of one of the biggest wars that we’ve seen to date between Rachel and Quinn, and we have a good understanding as to why it is happening. Quinn feels like Rachel undermined her (and she did), so in turn she will make use of the common phrase “turnabout is fair play.”

Specifically, you better get ready for the character of Darius to be caught in the crosshairs. Rachel just discovered that there is a reason why the football star has been so cagey about doing anything physical, and it has to do with a serious injury he is trying to keep hidden. It’s with that in mind he may want to quit the show early in this coming episode, and Rachel will take it upon herself to try to convince him to stay put, and try to work things out.

Unfortunately, Quinn is going to use what she knows about Darius against him courtesy of a brutal football date, one that could lead to him getting tackled and hurt even worse. Basically sabotage is the name of her game at this point, and while we don’t quite understand what the show is going to do without a suitor, we certainly approve of her stirring things up and having the you-know-what hit the fan. Isn’t that only going to make things more entertaining in the end?

We’ll be back soon with more from this episode. Stay tuned…

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