Crime TV Heroes: On ‘Castle’ season 8, Stana Katic’s Kate Beckett, and the future

“Castle” is at its heart a story about a few different things: An author finding his voice, a love story, and a New York police officer finding the best way to serve the city. For some time, Kate Beckett struggled with the weight of her mother’s death and a thirst for vengeance, but over time she’s opened up, found love, and also formed close bonds with the people around her. She’s discovered through the years the best way for her to solve crimes, and taking advantage of every resource that she comes into contact with. She’s a flawed character (as are many others in the crime TV genre), but that’s part of why we appreciate her so much: She’s easy to relate to, since many of us go through our own highs and lows.

There will be times to talk about Caskett or specific story teases; in this edition of our Crime TV Heroes series (which we’re doing throughout the month of April), we want to put the focus primarily on why Beckett is a great TV hero, and why we are so compelled to root for her.

Why she’s a hero – It begins with why she does the job that she does, and it’s not because of money or a desire to fame. She had a chance to run for office, but felt that as Captain, she could do the most good for the largest amount of people. She’s willing to make sacrifices, and put everything on the line for the sake of the people and the city she loves. She’s one of the TV’s best heroes because she is relentless in her pursuit of her truth, and her flaws help to make her human.

Also, it helps with her relatability that she’s not always super-serious, and has a softer, more romantic, and even at times funny side. She entertains many of Castle’s kooky theories, and she does have fun with Ryan and Esposito from time to time. Stana Katic does a tremendous job making these moments special.

What she can still learn – Let’s be honest: We all never stop learning, and for Kate there are times of course she has to know that it is okay to take a step back. Through this season, we hope she learned that she and Castle truly are stronger together, and they are better off working as a unit since they will always be a target regardless. The reality is that because of their relationship, she’s a celebrity in her own right, even if she’s never comfortable with that label. She’ll have to learn to relinquish some control, and like anyone else, she may still be learning what she wants from her future.

Future challenges – What we’d like to see next from Beckett is actually rather simple: More opportunities to get out in the field, where she can best use her skills in a way that she enjoys. While she earned the promotion to Captain, the show and in turn her have to figure out ways to get her out doing what she does best, while still reaping the benefits that come with the promotion. Working this out is one challenge facing the character. Another? Continuing to grasp the concept that no matter what happens, someone out there will probably target her and Castle just because of their fame, and also their long history of putting away criminals.

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