‘The Flash’ season 2 spoilers: Preparing for Zoom

Versus Zoom -While “The Flash” may not be back on The CW until we get around to Tuesday, April 19, but when the show does air this next installment entitled “Versus Zoom,” you know that this is going to be a huge one. It’s going to be a chance to see a face-off like no other between Barry Allen and the season’s big bad (provided that he can find him in the other universe), just as it is also going to make for quite a chance to learn more about who Hunter Zolomon really is, and why he ended up becoming one of the most disturbed speedsters to ever walk the face of the earth.

The photo above from this new episode does not give away too much, but it does make one thing very clear: There is a new danger at STAR Labs. Who is it? There are of course a number of different possibilities here.

1. A new meta-human – We’d be curious to know who they are or how they found the place, though, given that the breach was closed and we haven’t seen to many metas who existed on Earth-1 just rising to the surface now.

2. Zoom himself – Hey, are we really going to discount his ability to jump back over to this dimension? Doesn’t seem like the right move.

3. Someone else from Earth-2 – What if Killer Frost is still alive and made it over? It’d be crazy, but this show can be crazy sometimes.

Okay, in all seriousness it’s probably Zoom … but these people should really know guns can’t hurt him too badly.

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