‘Teen Wolf’ season 5, episode 20 (finale) spoilers: What is Theo up to now?

Teen wolf -If there is one thing that we feel like we can say pretty confidently about Theo from “Teen Wolf” at the moment, it is this: He continues to be the one character who is remarkably easy to hate. Just when you think that there is a chance that he could turn things around and start to at least want to redeem himself, he then does something to make matters so much worse.

With that in mind, we direct you to what we’ve learned from a new sneak peek over at Entertainment Weekly. In this, Cody Christian’s character has a brief moment with Tracy that starts off by being oddly romantic, but then it quickly turns dangerous when he reveals that there is something that she can do for him … and then goes on to seemingly sap the majority of her power away in one of the most horrible fashions possible. It’s a pretty violent move, and it shows just where his priorities are at the moment.

For the most part, we’d say at the moment that the entirety of Beacon Hills is in disarray thanks to the Beast tearing through town, the Dread Doctors being out there still, and it really being up to a select few in order to save the day. We’re not sure that the stakes have ever been higher, and that just adds to the overall feeling of intrigue and surprise.

We’re going to have some other news very soon when it comes to the show, and with that our advice is fairly simple: Stay tuned.

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