‘Big Brother Canada 4’ pre-game exclusive: Will Paige Distranski show wisdom beyond her years?

Paige -At just 19 years old, Paige Distranski is one of the younger contestants we’ve seen on “Big Brother Canada,” and with that of course are going to come a wide array of assumptions that she’s going to just be a floater or there for a showmance. However, some of those could be grossly mis-characterized. She’s actually a really big fan of the show, and she’s someone who is very outdoorsy and brings a lot of different skills to the table.

We had a chance to speak with Paige via phone earlier this week; for those who are reading this and haven’t seen any videos yet, her voice is reminiscent of Heather’s from season 2.

Tell us about yourself: Your name, where you’re from, your age, and what you do for a living.

My name is Paige Distranski, I’m 19 years old, I’m from Thunder Bay, Ontario, and I’m a vet tech.

What made you want to try out for Big Brother Canada this year? 

Okay, well I wanted to be on the show, ‘Big Brother US’ first and then ‘Big Brother Canada’ when it came out, since I was ten years old. Finally I turned 19, and for my birthday my parents got me tickets to Winnipeg to fly down for the open casting call. I flew down, auditioned, and now here I am! It’s been crazy, and I am SO exciting. Dying.


If you could compare yourself to someone from ‘Big Brother Canada’ or ‘Big Brother US,’ who would it be?

I would compare myself to a little bit of Jordan Lloyd from ‘Big Brother US,’ and a little bit of Gary Glitter. I think Jordan was really level-headed through the game, but she was also fun to watch and she kept her cool. She never flipped out (note: We’ll forgive Paige for not remembering that fight with Russell). [As for] Gary Glitter, he was sassy and so much fun to watch.

What’s something about you that would surprise people?

I think I’m going to surprise people in physical competitions. I do think I’m going to do well in them. Sometimes I’m like ‘I’m so weak, but then I do an arm wrestle and I’m like my god, the muscle comes out!’. People are going to be surprised at how strong I can be.

Do you have a specific strategy entering the house?

My strategy is that I want to play a strong social game, I want to be friends with everyone, and get everyone a false sense of security when they are with me so that they will gossip and share info with me. I want to be winning competitions because I want to prove myself, and I also want to have a good platform for myself at the end of the game.

What makes you think that you’ll be able to make it all the way to the end and win?

I think I’m going to make it to the end because it’s been like ten years in preparation, I know what kind of person I want to align with and who I don’t want to align with, and I just think I’ll be able to play a really good social game. I’ll be able to be innocent and sweet so people won’t think I’ll be sneaky or sly. I’m just going to go unnoticed for a little while, and people won’t be threatened by me. I think I’m going to do it! I feel it, you know?

What do you think your biggest weakness could be?

My biggest weakness would definitely be my math skills. Any number skills, really. I just know that if they ask me a math question, when I’m under pressure and stressed out it’s going to be rough and I’m not going to be able to think on my feet. I’ve been converting minutes to seconds and it’s been a work in progress, but math skills are going to be my downfall.

Other than winning the money, what’s the one thing you’re hoping to get out of this experience?

Aside from winning I really want to embrace every minute of it. I don’t want to look back and think that I was stressed out or worried that I was going home. I just want to live in the moment and embrace it because it’s crazy.

In closing, what do you want to say to Canada? Why should they be excited to see you this season?

I love Canada, I love everyone IN Canada, I really hope they love me. I’m going to try really hard to make it a fun season to watch and I really want to make everyone proud.

Overall impression – Paige is nice, likable, and we do think there’s more to her than the average 19-year old. We’re not sure she is cutthroat enough to win, but we do get the sense that she will try very hard in the house and will catch a few people off guard. You can feel her excitement from talking with her, and it’s the sort of thing you really only get when speaking to a true diehard fan.

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