‘Big Brother Canada 4’ pre-game exclusive: Could Loveita Adams be similar to Derrick?
We will admit from the onset of this “Big Brother Canada” interview that we like players who start of making big proclamations, and also tell you a little bit about how they want to play the game. From a storytelling perspective, you never want to just hear someone say “I’m going to be entertaining”; instead, you want to know how and why they will be entertaining.
In our pre-game chat earlier this week, one particular season 4 contestant in Loveita Adams really took it upon herself to open up about her strategy, her hope of being underestimated, and also why she wants to play this game so badly.
Tell us about yourself: Your name, where you’re from, your age, and what you do for a living.
I’m Loveita Adams from Fort McMurray, Alberta, I’m 25 years old, and I recently started a skincare product line.
What made you want to try out for Big Brother Canada this year?
I’m a social person; I’m really good at reading people. I love board games, so I really feel like this is a big board game and I want to take advantage of this opportunity to be in the house and win.
So what’s your knowledge base? Are you a big fan of the show?
Yeah, I was a fan when it started in the States and I’ve watched a few of those seasons; also, I’ve watched the Canadian seasons. I’m a decent fan. I wouldn’t say that I’m a superfan, but I do have knowledge of the game and twists and what to expect.
If you could compare yourself to someone from ‘Big Brother Canada’ or ‘Big Brother US,’ who would it be?
I don’t know, there’s a couple. I would like to see I’m a Derrick because I am really good at making people see the value of making a decision, based on communicating with them on how that would benefit their game … though ultimately it is more benefiting my game. That’s what I feel like Derrick did; he got other people to do his dirty work while still being the nice guy in the house, and you would never have known he was behind so many of the big decisions in the house. I kind of want to be that [person]; I want to be a silent initiator behind closed doors so that I can have one-on-one time with somebody, and let them go ahead to execute it on their HoH.
What’s something about you that would surprise people?
I think for most people they may think I come across as a girly girl because I like makeup and I like dressing up. However, it may surprise them because I love math, I love calculus, I love board games, and I don’t think that would be a typical assessment of me if you were to meet me at first glance.
Do you have a specific strategy entering the house?
It’s kind of a two-fold strategy.
My first strategy is to create promises. Find areas in the house and opportunities to make an promise and keep it. I find that when you’re able to make a promise and keep it, you build trust. I want to make a habit out of being [trustworthy]. Even with little things. I’m not just going to say ‘I’ll help you with your hair,’ I’m going to say ‘I promise I’ll help you with your hair at this time’ and fulfill it, and try to allow people to see I am true to my word … Wherever I can find ways to fulfill statements that I’ve made or create statements to fulfill, that’s part of my strategy.
The next part is to make room for a lot of one-on-one time. Through my personal research I believe that sitting in the group of three is not as intimate as when you’re with someone one-on-one. I feel like it’s a different way to bond with someone. My goal is to look with people when they are by themselves, take that time and work on certain emotions and build relationships with everyone in the house. I personally don’t believe that every person in the house would think that deep; they just think that being in a group of three or a group of four and they’re all chatting and they’re bonding [is enough]. I feel like that one-on-one [time] will give you an advantage.
What makes you think that you’ll be able to make it all the way to the end and win?
I’m someone who believes in balance. I don’t think you can come into this game and be totally brains or totally brawn. I think you need to be balanced. I think I have that balance, and that comes naturally to me. I recognize that there’s a time to play hard in a PoV, and I think I’m balanced when it comes to my physical ability. I can do push-ups, I can do sit-ups, and I can sprint. So I think it’s just balancing that with making logical decisions, as well. I feel as though I have all aspects and I understand the game. People don’t expect me to be a strategic player, but I’m coming into this house and playing off of logic and strategy.
What do you think your biggest weakness could be?
I’m a passionate person, and when I do form a strong friendship I support that person until the end. I feel a weakness of mine could be building that friendship, trusting that person, and then telling myself that this is the person I want to go to [the end] with. But that person could not be with me. If someone out there recognizes that and knows thatm they have me. I feel like that could happen with one person in the house; I know myself. That could definitely screw me if I choose the wrong person. It’s going to be based on how I read people. Hopefully, I’m reading well.
Other than winning the money, what’s the one thing you’re hoping to get out of this experience?
It’s funny. I thought about that. I’m not really here for the money; the biggest gain in this is winning ‘Big Brother Canada 4.’ Second place wouldn’t do; first place would do. I’m all about winning, so being able to win would be a huge honor for me and something that I have wanted to do for some time.
In closing, what do you want to say to Canada? Why should they be excited to see you this season?
I’m a ball of fun, and I don’t like things being hidden. I’m about being open and honest, and there will be a lot of things on-screen, and I realize that in order to communicate effectively, you need to talk. I’m able to air out dirty laundry and discuss feelings, and I think that’s something that Canada will like about me. I will open up topics and discuss things that other people would not.
Overall impression – Loveita may be the most analytical person this season, and we do really like how much thought she is putting into the strategy. Is everything she is talking about going to work? The odds are against her. It’s super-ambitious, but we wondered whether or not Derrick could pull off what he wanted, as well. For now, we feel good about how she will do, but she needs to find someone to link up with like Neda did with Jon or like Derrick did with Cody.
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