‘Arrow’ season 4 spoilers: A (possible) kidnapping is afoot!

Arrow -Sometimes on “Arrow” (and really all of the CW – DC Comics universe, for that matter) we get stories that are so fantastic and superhero-based that it can be easy to overlook the times in which things are a little smaller and more personal. Lives are at stake here for these characters, and with the Lazarus Pit now seemingly destroyed, you cannot just throw somebody in there in hopes that they come back.

Thanks to a Twitter post by executive producer Marc Guggenheim, the upcoming 15th episode of the season (likely airing in either February or March) is entitled “Taken.” Maybe someone means this to be a nod to the Liam Neeson movie of the same name; it’s certainly funny that they’re doing this now given that his former character of Ra’s al Ghul was such an enormous part of the third season.

With a title like that plus the plot of the “Taken” film, we don’t really think that it takes too much work to assume that one of the main stories that could be unfolding in this episode is a kidnapping. If this happens, who could it be? One of our larger concerns is that Damien Darhk could find out the truth about Samantha and Oliver’s son William, and as a result of that could snatch him up. It’s one thing to take Felicity or hurt her, but at least she is capable of defending herself in some way thanks to her experience and intelligence. William is defenseless, and if something happens to Darhk’s own family, he could see this as revenge.

If you’re interested in getting some other “Arrow” news, head over to the link here right away!

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