‘The Walking Dead’ season 6, episode 5 preview: Deanna surveys the wreckage

twdWe have another sneak peek right now for Sunday night’s new episode of “The Walking Dead,” but there is one thing clearly missing: Glenn. There is word still yet as to whether or not the fate of Steven Yeun’s character will be revealed in this installment, but it’s going to be hard to spend too much time hanging around in Alexandria without it coming up. We are seemingly back in the present, and not hanging around with Morgan in the woods anymore.

This sneak peek is mostly about Deanna surveying the wreckage of what was once a fairly-peaceful town in Alexandria, or as peaceful as it could be given the zombie apocalypse. We imagine that her mind at the moment as to be varying stages of disarray. Maybe there is a part of her who is still an idealist, and thinks that maybe the town would be chaos-free in the event that Rick Grimes never turned up. Yet, she also has to be aware that this is probably not the case and without Rick, her town would be push.

For those of you who are just TV viewers, maybe you will find this sneak peek relatively boring. However, at the same time those of you who are readers of the comic book should recognize a certain name in here, which represents that a very popular villain could be coming soon. Heck, those who follow casting notices know that he likely will be here before the end of the season.

Now, let’s just hold out hope for Glenn…

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