‘The Amazing Race 27’ episode 3 preview: The plan against Justin & Diana

Green Team -

It is pretty rare that you see a team as openly targeted in the early going as we’re seeing for Justin & Diana on “The Amazing Race” Friday night, but it goes to show two separate things: Their strength in many of the tasks, and also their lack of a great social game. There’s a reason why people like Tanner & Josh want them out early.

Before getting to what “The Green Team” is doing wrong, let’s start with the plan from the Texans. They’ve got the Express Pass, and if they ever use their part of it, they have to immediately give the other part to another team. They are promising that if anyone does choose to U-Turn the team, they will hand over the Express Pass to them in the future. It’s both a way to protect themselves from getting a U-Turn, while at the same time trying to take out who they perceive to be big threats. It’s not a terrible idea, but if we were another team, we would question whether or not this is something that we would really want to trust. You don’t know these people well enough to know that they will keep their end of the bargain.

What Justin & Diana have seemingly done wrong is been almost like Max and Shirin were together on “Survivor: Worlds Apart.” They are all about the game of the Race almost every second of the day, and in doing so, it feels like other times are getting frustrated and feel like they are souring their experience. You have to be able to take the temperature of those around you; we’d be in the same boat as Justin & Diana (especially Justin) if we were out there, but a lot of these other people are recruits! They just want to hang out when they are not actually racing and don’t seem to be so intense.

While you wait for Friday night’s episode, we suggest you head over here to check out our new extended piece about why the race is starting to lag behind international versions.

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