‘Big Brother 17’ finale: Liz Nolan on being runner-up, Julia, Austin, and more during backyard interview
We do have to give Liz Nolan some credit on “Big Brother” for a few select things, mostly in that it is hard to go far in this game, and even harder when you consider that she had a twin to worry about. She was a big target, but still got to the final two … even if it was mostly because Steve thought that he could beat her in the end.
Like every other houseguest, Liz spoke in the backyard to Jeff Schroeder for the CBS live feeds, and we’ve got her take on a few things now.
On her take on the ending – “Obviously I was so sad that I didn’t get first HoH or second. I did not think that I would get taken to final two, but Steve took me after he swore up and down to Vanessa … I thought I was going to be to Victoria. Steve, he did it on purpose. I didn’t have anything prepared. I’m just happy I brought home a little bacon!”
On Julia – “I am taking her on a nice vacation. I need to pay it forward.”
On Austin – “I’m happy our hashtag is #Liztin! Who knows what’s going to happen with us? Maybe I’ll move out to LA, maybe he’ll come to Florida … the real world is big and scary. It’s going to be a big adventure, but we’re going to make it work, ponytail beard and all.”
On getting set to spend time away – “I am so happy to not have to worry about DRs and makeup, and just being with my family.”
On her favorite moment – “So many, starting with Julia coming into the house because it was a huge weight off my shoulders.”
On Steve’s argument about her having time off early in the game – “I was definitely the most sane in the house because I had a little break [going back and forth to the hotel]. He had a great point. Everyone else had to do it much harder for me.”
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