‘Agents of SHIELD’ season 3: First look at Chloe Bennet in Daisy’s tactical suit!
For those of you wanting to see just how Daisy Johnson will operate on “Agents of SHIELD” season 3, we now at least have a first look at her new outfit! This is the tactical suit that she will likely wear as a part of the Secret Warriors, and it really serves as a nice way to complete her transition from Skye, who she was for the entire first two seasons … even though she did develop her Inhuman abilities at the midway point of season 2.
What makes this new outfit especially great for Chloe Bennet is that not only is it the culmination of her character’s arc, it is also a chance to live out a drewm and be involved in the process of making the costume. Here’s what she said to the Los Angeles Times, who also posted the first look at the outfit:
“It was really, really fun to put it on. With the inner geek in me — and growing up with six brothers — I was never really interested in being the princess. I was more into being someone who kicked [you know what] … and was a superhero. So, that was a dream come true. It was cool to be a part of the process in helping to design the outfit.”
You can see the full look at the outfit below, and for the most part, we like it! The homage to the name Quake is appropriate, and it feels like something that she can actually use to kick butt and take names. Sometimes these costumes (especially for the women) are almost impossible when it comes to function.
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