‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: The nominations and much more

steveWe’re taking a little bit of time away from updating “Big Brother 17” today, but we thought we’d take a minute and give you at least what the nominations are for the new Head of Household Austin: Johnny Mac and Steve.

These are hardly the most unpredictable nominations of all time. John believes that he is the target and he probably is, despite any assurances otherwise. Nobody’s really going to want to use the Veto him in order for one of their allies to go on the block, and Vanessa won out in a lengthy fight with Steve over whether or not she wanted to be a pawn.

Is there some paranoia about possible replacements? Sure, mostly when it comes to James worrying that throwing the Battle of the Block a while ago is going to come back to bite him, and Vanessa could try to bring this information to Austin. There is a little bit of a divide in Austin’s Angels, at least in that Julia seems interested in getting rid of James, and she may be the closest thing that Vanessa has to a #2, even though Julia would always choose her twin over her. Vanessa’s probably not out of the woods yet as a replacement nominee, but we doubt Austin will go through with it.

Tomorrow should be the Power of Veto Competition, and you better believe the Zingbot is going to be back! It’s a shame that he couldn’t get in there before Becky left, given the flood of material that he would have. Luckily, there’s another super-prime candidate for a good zinging in Austin.

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