‘The Flash’ season 2 spoilers: The beginnings of Hawkgirl for ‘Legends of Tomorrow’
Hawkgirl is one of the most notable new additions to the upcoming DC’s “Legends of Tomorrow,” but one of the most interesting things about the character is that when you meet her on “The Flash” a little later this fall, she is not actually going to know who she is at all. This could be an origin story in some ways similar to Barry Allen’s, where you have someone who has great limitations, and then all of a sudden discovers that there is so much more to her than she ever thought possible.
Ciara Renee is going to be the woman responsible for playing this character on the small screen across multiple of these CW properties, and she told Entertainment Weekly recently some of how her story is going to start off:
“She’s not bold, she’s not strong … It’s a dichotomy of someone who is awkward and all of a sudden she has this huge power and strength and she’ll have to reconcile that within herself.”
One of the other fascinating things about “Legends of Tomorrow” is that due to the heavy time-travel component of the series, we are going to see potentially multiple different reincarnations of the character over time, and a backstory that is really different than any other that we have seen on the series so far.
As for why “The Flash” is the right venue to introduce this character, the simple answer here is that “Arrow” already has Ray Palmer and Sara Lance that are being used for the new show, and it makes sense for her to be around many of the meta-humans, given that “Arrow” is a more grounded show as a whole.
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