‘Big Brother 17’ cast spoilers: Will Jace Agolli hang around a long time?

Jace -The attempt of “Big Brother” to officially find their Spicoli continues. Just think of how many different surfer bros have been cast on this show, especially as of late. Interestingly, though, many of them have not really done that well. David was the first one out in season 15, and while Hayden (who is technically more of a pedicab driver, but still fits the archetype) made it to the jury, he did not exactly get close to the end. Fabio did win “Survivor”? Well, the less we say about Fabio here the better.

Here’s what you need to know about Jace Agolli right now: He’s a personal trainer / beach lover, and apparently his plan before getting on the show was just to hang out in Venice Beach for the summer before getting on the show. Also, he seems to at least know the show enough to know that Jeff is with Jordan, so if nothing else he binge-watched the past few seasons.

First Impression – Dude has apparently broken his jaw and countless other bones, and seems to not realize any problem with this at all. Therefore, he will probably hang on in some endurance competition until parts of his body start falling off. An obvious comp threat who will more than likely not throw them. #BeastModerSurferBro.

Worst Impression – There is zero chance that he ends up sticking around a long time. He’s way too obvious of a threat, and he doesn’t have the same goofy demeanor that Hayden did last time. He’s going to try to be chill, but we’re not sure he will be able to pull it off based on what he says about his competitive nature.

Jace is also high on the “likely to showmance” list, just in case anyone cares about that. You don’t? Well, nobody blames you.

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