‘Game of Thrones’ season 6: ‘The Winds of Winter,’ show return date speculation, and more

Dany -Tonight, “Game of Thrones” airs its season 5 finale, and at the same time also prepares to put HBO, the show’s producers, and fans of George R.R. Martin’s book series in a very odd position. While we have seen moments and storylines on the show that have not been a part of the book series, at least so far (Dany meeting Tyrion, the death of Shireen), the majority of the show has still been reasonably documented within A Song of Ice and Fire.

Now, we are starting to enter some strange waters going into season 6. The next book entitled The Winds of Winter may be out before the new season is in the spring, but that’s not confirmed. Ideally, Martin will not face any pressure and simply get it out when it is done, but the show moving forward so blindly could have a massive impact on almost everything that happens in the months ahead.

For example, if you think that the presence of paparazzi and fans at show sets has been rough so far, imagine now that few know what is actually going to happen next. HBO may need more security than ever before.

On the flip side, there will be quite possibly more curiosity about the future than ever before, and we anticipate a fuller range of emotions in preparation of what happens next. Inevitably, there will be some who are longtime book readers are somewhat annoyed that they are learning about things from the show before they read it through Martin’s own words.

What we’ve wondered is this: Do you think HBO should have waited to do the show until after the books were further along, and does it matter to you that you may be discovering some things earlier on TV? Personally, we find ourselves being somewhat indifferent one way or another, but we say this as someone who discovered the world through the TV show.

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