‘The Amazing Race 26’ preview: Trials and tribulations in Peru

Amazing Race -Don’t you love how there is a heart at the end of every “Amazing Race” promo, even though there are more than a few occasions this season where there is hardly any love at all? By the time we get to Friday night’s new episode, we are pretty sure that there are at least four players just hoping to get through this without any more screaming. Specifically, we are talking about Hayley & Blair and Jenny & Jelani.

For those wondering, Hayley does yell at him more in the promo below, this time while they are trying to handle the conditions while in the steep elevation of Peru. Will this ever stop? Probably not, but we’re honestly used to it at this point. While we don’t think the show will ever bring teams back again if it is renewed (most of the all-star seasons have been terrible), we wouldn’t be surprised if they were asked just for the drama.

One thing that should probably be emphasized in this promo more is the elevation. You are 10,000 feet off of the ground, and that makes everything so much more difficult. Running is exhausting, and trying to solve any task takes that much more of a toll on you. Conditioning and teamwork are going to be the two keys to doing well here, which is why Matt & Ashley do have a good shot of a comeback even with the Speed Bump. They get along very well, and they are in good shape. The aforementioned blind-date teams have communication problems (Tyler & Laura are in good shape), and Mike & Rochelle have been a little slower than everyone even without the added elevation.

This episode is probably going to be an elimination episode, so be prepared to say goodbye to someone.

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