‘Shark Tank’ review: Beneath the Ink, PittMoss, NeatCheeks, and Melni Connectors
Tonight, “Shark Tank” brought to the table a variety of different products, and they really could not have been any more different if they tried. If you like gardening, parenting, or electrical work, there was something in here for everyone … well, almost everyone. We were not exactly buzzing about any of these products before watching (one of them changed our mind during the episode). This is compared to some of the other products last week, which we personally felt were some of the better ones this season. Also, there were some other surprising bits of advice handed down here, as well.
As with every other “Shark Tank” review that we’ve published over the years, you can click the links below to be taken to their official website. This is a chance to take a look at some of these products for yourself.
NeatCheeks – This is a smart product when it comes to making cleanup for children so much easier. With that said, we were somewhat surprised that it received so much attention given the lack of strong sales and the higher price point than the average wipe. Barbara Corcoran actually suggested that one of moms behind the company try to get some work elsewhere while she builds the company; we don’t hear that often, but it could work.
We’re not sure that going with Barbara Corcoran over Lori Greiner was the right choice here, and we say that as one of the biggest Barbara fans. It just seems like QVC would have been a great outlet for this, mostly because you could sit there and demonstrate it.
Melni Connectors – Another innovation to the electrical industry. It’s probably a useful product, but we’re right there with Mark Cuban in that we really have zero clue what this is or what it does. Therefore, it’s somewhat hilarious that Mark basically dumped $500,000 into this business for only 12%. This is probably what happens when you have as much money as he does; you can take these insane risks without nearly as much of a reason to worry.
Beneath the Ink – Does this enhance the eBook industry? We actually really dig the concept, which involves including a series of annotations into books that actually gives you further insight into a book. We don’t think that everyone would want this, but there are some really cool ways to implement “bonus content” into your books. The problem here is that people have to know the business exists. It is extremely ambitious, and probably too ambitious given where the business is now. There’s no deal, but we could be a potential consumer someday.
PittMoss – Is this environmentally useful? Sure, but that does not mean it will sell. We’re not a gardener, but understand the merits here. We actually thought he gave a great presentation, explained the benefits of his product, and was honest about his hardships and lack of sales. This is something that we tend to see many other business owners on this show shy away from. The sharks were impressed! This is a gamble that we understand Mark taking, especially since he had at his side here Kevin and Robert Herjavec.
Want to get some other highlights from this “Shark Tank” season? Then be sure to head over to the link here right now! Also, sign up to bite into some other TV news on everything we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)
FR33D0M M0F0
April 18, 2015 @ 4:48 pm
I work for a large wholesale grower. The only reason we haven’t at least tested PittMoss against peat is that his production wasn’t at a high enough volume to meet our needs. Hopefully this means they will be expanding. It would definitely save us money. Pittsburgh is 4 hours away versus importing raw peat moss from Canada. We use 10 to 20 tons of peat per week during peak production.