‘Shark Tank’ review: iCPooch, BeeSweet Lemonade, BrandYourself, the home T
Tonight, “Shark Tank” had yet another great episode with a variety of products. If you love beverages, dogs, and t-shirts, you were probably were going to like this particular installment. Then again, you’d probably feel this way in general if you like compelling entertainment. This show continues to do a great job at giving us great drama, and sometimes with the simplest of premises.
As with all of our episode reviews, you can click on the links below to get some more information about some of these products.We’ll have updates on the progress of some of these products as the night goes on.
BeeSweet Lemonade – A new way to enjoy the taste of lemonade. We’re not sure if we would really want one with flax in it, even if it is healthier. We also think that grocery is way too risky of a marketplace for an investment, especially without any sort of sales. Daymond John took a big chance here, but he was smart to add a contingency in here.
BrandYourself – Do you want a better online reputation? This is a great concept, but a very difficult space. We know a lot about SEO as a website owner, and it is a very tricky business. There are no guarantees, and these sort of things always change extremely quickly. This a smart idea, but the valuation is a little absurd. He wanted too much, and this happens often with tech companies. They get huge investments that don’t match up with the valuations the sharks are willing to pay.
iCPooch – Want to revolutionize how you see your dog? We don’t really love the idea the more we think about it. Ultimately, it seems like you are going to confuse the dog by having you occasionally pop up on a screen, and you need to have a spare tablet in order for this to work in the first place. We love dogs, but this seems to be far too complicated a communication method for it to catch on.
The Home T – For fashion lovers who miss their home state. This proved to be a contentious negotiation process, and one of the craziest we’ve ever seen for one simple question: Was this guy really here for an investment, or to just get exposure for his brand? The reason we wonder is because he was hardly flexible at all on the pricing, even when he was dealing with someone like Daymond John who works in the same industry as him.
Which one of these products was your favorite? Share in the comments, and head over here to get some other highlights from this season. Also, you can sign up now to score some other TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)