‘Hell on Wheels’ renewed for season 5; final season to be split into halves

Hell on Wheels -There is some good news coming out now for AMC’s “Hell on Wheels,” though we would also understand if some out there are feeling a little bittersweet about it.

The positive spin on things is that the show is coming back for a fifth season, and there is no longer a distraction that comes with watching the final three episodes, wondering whether or not you are looking at the end of Cullen Bohannon’s journey. However, the upcoming 14 episodes (which will be split into two halves, similar to what happened with “Mad Men”) will comprise the final ones for the series.

In a statement confirming this announcement, AMC President Charlie Collier had the following to say:

“With season five of Hell on Wheels, we are proud to bring our trans-continental journey to conclusion for the large, loyal audience that has traveled with Cullen Bohannon and his crew for so many years … We look forward to appropriately honoring ‘Hell on Wheels’ in this final season. Enormous thanks to the terrific writers, cast and crew for all they have achieved and for all that lies ahead in the Wild West.”

Overall, we’re just happy that “Hell on Wheels” has the real opportunity to properly conclude its story, even if it is a little earlier than some may have liked. We figured personally that the show probably would not go beyond a sixth season, and with the way that this is divided up, it is almost like there will be a sixth season, anyway (just a little shorter than usual). Its legacy should be as proof that a Western can work on modern-day television, and that Saturday night does not have to be a death sentence.

What is your reaction to this announcement? Let us know in the comments, and head over here to get some more scoop on what is coming up this season. Also, sign up to have some other TV news on all we cover sent right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo via AMC.)

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