‘The Amazing Race 25’ episode 6 preview: Smart moves in Morocco

Kyl and Alli -While “The Amazing Race 25” has so far been very active when it comes to traveling from one place to another, Friday night’s episode is one of the few times where we’ve seen teams stay relatively close to their previous leg. Technically, they were in the same country in Scotland as during their England leg, but we’re not going to get too much into United Kingdom politics in this article.

While the teams are remaining in Morocco, the good news here is that they are trading the city streets of Marrakesh for something that is a whole lot more isolated, and could lead to some very tricky situations for some of the teams.

Basically, the sneak-peek clip below shows two separate teams doing some awesome things to try to get ahead at what is a roadblock.

First, you had Adam & Bethany. Bethany has a little trouble putting together a panel for her task with only one hand, so she decides to take off her shoes and make her socks a part of the strategy. It’s a wise move, and one that does allow her to save a little bit of time.

Meanwhile, we also have someone else in Kym & Alli (we still cannot tell which is which) completely burning through a task that many teams would struggle with due to their fear. This is something that teams should learn to conquer before doing the race, and this is why. While there will probably be a few people who freak out over being this far up in the air, you can save a ton of time this way.

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