‘Doctor Who’ season 8, episode 11 preview: ‘Dark Water’ features Jenna Coleman, Peter Capaldi, 3W
For those who want to see the Doctor and Clara tackle something dark, mysterious, and once again frightening, the next new episode of “Doctor Who” season 8 is probably going to provide that and then some. Even the title in “Dark Water” suggests that you have something to worry about, at least if you want to live vicariously through Jenna Coleman and Peter Capaldi’s characters.
Given that showrunner Steven Moffat wrote this hour exclusively, there is obviously some potential for this episode to be extremely important to the entire future of the series … though this is not concerned. It could end up becoming a hot mess like the premiere “Deep Breath.”
Anyway, to get some further insight into what you can expect from this hour, just be sure to take a look at the attached synopsis:
“In the mysterious world of the Nethersphere, plans have been drawn. Missy is about to come face to face with the Doctor, and an impossible choice is looming… ‘Death is not an end’ promises the sinister organisation known only as 3W – but, as the Doctor and Clara discover, you might wish it was.”
There is a reason to worry about at least one or two characters as we inch near the end of the season, mostly because of all the frequent themes of death and destruction as of late. Even during “In the Forest of the Night,” we had constant reminders that only so many within this universe could be saved.
As for the promo below, there are two things to mention: It’s the beginning of the finale, and it looks like Clara could be … evil? Sounds interesting, especially the whole “Clara Oswald never existed” part.
What do you want to see on the next “Doctor Who” episode? Share your thoughts and predictions right now with a comment, and head over here for some further updates on the show! Also, sign up now to get some other TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo via BBC.)
October 27, 2014 @ 2:32 am
I think that Missy is the regenerated version of the mysterious woman that the Tenth Doctor and Wilf saw in The End Of Time Part Two. So, Missy is a Time Lord and her being that woman explains why she says “You know who I am.”
Vincent Truman
October 28, 2014 @ 4:02 am
I don’t think that’s terribly likely. The mysterious woman has long been lauded as being the Doctor’s mother (“Who was that woman?” Wilf asked when he last saw the Doctor; the Doctor responded by glancing at Donna’s mum). Even if that is conjecture, the mysterious woman was good and was against the continuation of the Time War and return of Gallifrey. Why she would now want to control the dead – presumably when Gallifrey is locked away somewhere – doesn’t ring true to me, anyway.
October 26, 2014 @ 4:49 pm
I think Danny Pink is the Danny Pink from the future, placed to guard the Doctor from Clara. Danny has been trying to lure Clara away from the task Madame Kovarian’s daughter Missy has set her…….Kill the Doctor!
October 26, 2014 @ 11:15 am
I am desperately looking for someone else who has listened to the Big Finish audio story ‘Neverland’ and thinks that Missy and Clara are the same person (somehow) and that the Neverpeople are involved. Everyone seems to look at me blankly if I try to bring it up.
Jason Sommerville
October 26, 2014 @ 2:16 am
I think Missy is older Clara. Also, I think maybe Clara is trying to save the future because time can be rewritten, but if there is no time travel, that won’t happen. In it, it looks like she is trying to “confiscate” the TARDIS.
Jim Duley
October 26, 2014 @ 1:23 am
I propose this wacky theory: Clara is a Time Lord in training and Missy (aka The Master regenerated) is her handler, so to speak.
Dan Buxton
October 25, 2014 @ 9:53 pm
Okay I just thought of something what if when Clara says time can be rewritten it means Danny Pink dies or something to the same degree and she tries to save him and in the process turns into Missy, it would explain why she’s so angry.
Dan Buxton
October 25, 2014 @ 9:47 pm
Also the doctor says something along the lines of my clara you won’t do this as if she’s about to something evil. And the missy tells the doctor you know who I am which could mean a lot but still….
Dan Buxton
October 25, 2014 @ 9:44 pm
There’s more in the trailer there’s reference to Davros and in that trailer there was the cybermen so it could be shaping up to be like david tennants first finale.
Dan Buxton
October 25, 2014 @ 9:40 pm
I think Missy is a future Clara as it looks like Clara goes evil and sort of steals the Tardis which could be the promised land(clara turns the tarsus into the nether sphere so it gets infinite size and all). Also at the very start when Clara tells the doctor he will never step inside the tarsus again it suddenly flips to Missy waking like it was a dream and she was Clara. Also back before season 8 in some interview jenna she was asked if she would be the doctors companion in the next season and it was quite vague but it was something like no and they don’t leave on the best of terms. So Clara is Missy!
Harvey Wren
October 26, 2014 @ 12:29 am
I know it’s Doctor Who and ‘anything can happen’, but that’s stretching it. For one, how does Clara change physically to look like Missy? Unless of course she does some kind of River Song trick that the TARDIS enables her to regenerate. But it seems more like Clara is possessed by Missy at some stage, and becomes a bit sinister. Missy says she ‘chose’ Clara, but hasn’t mentioned why. She also called the Doctor her ‘boyfriend’ and in the same episode, the Doctor told Clara he wasn’t. There is a connection there with them, both having the notion he was in-fact their ‘boyfriend’. It’s a puzzle, isn’t it? Can’t wait for next week though, looks amazing!
Dan Buxton
October 26, 2014 @ 10:50 am
Change physically, she could have just aged. But yeah I can’t wait to the finale.
October 26, 2014 @ 12:40 am
Missy said she had ‘chosen well’, meaning it’s more likely that Clara is actually working for Missy and has been this entire time.
Dan Buxton
October 25, 2014 @ 9:40 pm
I think Missy is a future Clara as it looks like Clara goes evil and sort of steals the Tardis which could be the promised land(clara turns the tarsus into the nether sphere so it gets infinite size and all). Also at the very start when Clara tells the doctor he will never step inside the tarsus again it suddenly flips to Missy waking like it was a dream and she was Clara. Also back before season 8 in some interview jenna she was asked if she would be the doctors companion in the next season and it was quite vague but it was something like no and they don’t leave on the best of terms. So Clara is Missy!