‘The Amazing Race 25’ episode 4 review: Why did Shelley & Nici freak out?
Going into tonight’s episode of “The Amazing Race 25,” we had one of the most epic teases of all time in watching Shelley & Nici freaking out while on the mat. With that in mind, we spend the majority of the hour wondering what in the world happened to them.
Were we upset about the idea of the show effectively spoiling an elimination in the previews? We weren’t, mostly because we went through most of this episode thinking that this was going to be a non-elimination leg. We hadn’t had one yet this season, and it felt like the timing was right for this to happen.
The reason for the freakout was actually bizarre, given that Shelley & Nici actually didn’t finish the leg in last. The attitude that these two have is pretty terrible for the race, and we don’t know how they will win or even last another week.
Let’s move on from one controversy to another. Misti & Jim, despite finishing last, get to keep the Save! We thought for sure that the producers would make them burn it, but it was a non-elimination leg and they didn’t have to. We’re confused by this slightly, but we guess that the course ahead is so rigid, them using it here would upset the balance somewhere else … maybe? We’re not sure, but them getting to keep the Save makes this thing entirely way too powerful. Our griping about it also takes away from the credit we want to give these two for being pretty supportive and collected despite their million failures during this lieg.
Also, kudos to Kym & Alli! Not only did the Cyclists win the leg, but they did so with so much style and personality that it’s hard not to root for them. The wrestlers Brooke & Robbie also came in second, which actually cements them as someone who could do better in this race than we thought.
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Julie Webster
October 21, 2014 @ 3:33 am
You’re lucky that you don’t understand why Nici flipped out over Shelley’s behaviour.
Imagine going through your entire life with someone that is more concerned with being ‘right’ instead of doing what’s best.
Shelley pulled a classic narcissistic behaviour of needing control over Nici so badly, that she was willing to have them be eliminated so that she could blame Nici, instead of just swallowing her upset until it was an appropriate time.
She acted like Nici was being irrational and stayed stoic in order to make others think her daughter was out of control, even though it was clearly Shelley’s behaviour that caused it.