‘Downton Abbey’ season 5: Who is honoring Julian Fellowes now?

Downton Abbey -At this point, Julian Fellowes has to be thought of as a bonafide rock star when it comes to “Downton Abbey.” The man is responsible for creating quite possibly the biggest crossover hit in a generation, and he also receives constant commendation to go along with it for the quality of his writing.

So what do you do to really honor such a man? Well, how about bestowing some pretty darn high honors on him? What we know for now is that Fellowes is going to be recognized with an honorary doctorate from the University of Winchester, and the biggest reason why is ford his efforts in creative writing and also the further endorsement of the arts.

Speaking in a statement per the BBC, vice-chancellor Joy Carter had the following to say about this great news:

“There are few who will not have been exposed to his acting and screenwriting talents, as well as his bestselling novels, making him an inspiration to authors and artists at every level.”

So what is Fellowes going to be working on next? We know already that season 5 is through with production, and the mystery therefore remains what is going on with season 6. We assume that one is happening, mostly given that Julian would have to start writing one fairly soon. Production on the ITV hit traditionally begins in the first quarter of the year, and then carries through until the middle of summer. The great thing about this show is that cast members work on it for around half of the year, and then have the other half to do a variety of other things.

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