‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Who are the Heads of Household? (live updates)
While there is no endurance competition taking place per se on “Big Brother 16” tonight, there is still something else happening that went over the show’s running time: It’s the all-familiar egg challenge! This is something that we typically see handled by individual houseguests, but the contest is with pairs working together. You’ve got Christine / Victoria, Amber / Zach, Cody / Frankie, Hayden / Donny, Nicole / Caleb, and Jocasta / Brittany all working together.
We’re going to have some updates here of the competition, concluding with the winner, as soon as it is announced. So be sure to keep coming back to this page and refreshing for some additional updates. (Hopefully, the feeds will let us watch part of it as they have in the past.)
6:58 p.m. Big Brother Time – At the end of the show, Zach / Amber and Frankie / Cody were the two in the lead, but it was a long competition and anything could still happen.
7:11 p.m. – The show is still showing highlights rather than anything from the feeds. Boo to that.
7:24 p.m. – Still no feeds, and we’re starting to feel like we’re going to get the shaft here. We’ll still post the winner when it’s announced. We thought we remembered seeing some egg competitions in the past, though last year’s was also similarly cut off.
7:35 p.m. – The feeds are back! Alas, the competition is already over. Waiting to get confirmation now on the winners. We don’t understand why we can’t view this challenge on the feeds, since it seems perfect for it.
7:37 p.m. – Cody and Frankie are the new HoHs! This was unexpected given that they were doing very well in the early going, and it may be a sign of things to come for a while. We anticipate most of the women in the house being nominated, with maybe Caleb or Donny as a backdoor target. They won’t do it for now most likely, though.
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Photo: CBS